Sunday, June 17, 2007

Feeling Welcome

in San Francisco, and I'm not even there yet. Neil just sent me details for how to get onto his computer and how to log on to the wireless network with my laptop. So, I can definitely be expected to post a few times from there! The following week, though, will depend on how compatible Blogger is with my laptop's archaïc (and unupgradeable) browsers.

Packing is so much work now that I'm more style-conscious, WAH! I left for a MONTH in Scotland with a fraction of what I currently have in this suitcase... and I'm not done packing yet! What's not helping is that I have to pack for four climates (home, SF, Vegas, LA) . But it looks like the suitcase will close without a) my having to 'expand it' or b) sit on it (or c) expand it AND sit on it), and I'll have room left for 'extras' I'll pick up along the way, so it's all good. For carry on, I have a little matching bag which will hold my paperwork, notebook and pen, books, magazines, food supplies, and other sundries, and into which I'll stuff my purse since my laptop doesn't fit in it. Hopefully stuffing one bag into another will get me around the two article limit for carry on luggage.... I am proud that I'm not using the third suitcase in my set, a 'carry on' size. Next trip! :-)

I've decided to try the bus to get to the airport this time to save 30$ (bus is 3$). So Tuesday 6AM will find me schlepping my luggage for two blocks to the Térrasses de la Chaudière where I'll catch the 8 to Lebreton Flats, where I should have more than enough time (I hope) to catch a 97 that'll get me to the airport for seven (it better). My plane technically leaves at 8:20.

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